How often can we inject cortisone in to a joint?

Joint injections how often? 

Management of joint disease often requires an injection in to the joint. The main product we use is a cortisone injection. People often ask me how often can they do this? And does this damage the joint? 

Previously in years gone past we used to use a product called Depomedrol and this was very harsh on a joint. Now we use a product called Triamacinolone which is a lot ‘kinder’ on the joint. The product will not cause the joint to get worse more the disease process will continue rather than the product damage the joint. With depomedrol this did damage the cartilage but the Triamacinolone is more protective of the cartilage. So we can use the drug more frequently and it is safer for the joint. 

I often expect 6-12 months and don’t like to inject the joint more often than once every 4 months. If we are getting to 4 months then I would be starting to think about using some alternative products to manage the joint disease. 

As always if you have any questions please ask before allowing your horse to be injected. 


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