Planning for a competition can be the difference between getting there or missing out.

Pre-Competition Checklist: Setting Your Horse Up for Success

Preparing for Competition with Confidence

Competing at events like State Titles requires careful planning to ensure your horse or pony is at peak performance while maintaining their health and welfare. The weeks leading up to competition are crucial for fine-tuning training, managing medications, and adjusting routines.

4 Weeks Before Competition

  • Check soundness: Identify and address any lameness or health concerns early.

  • Review medications: Ensure compliance with competition rules regarding drug withdrawal periods.

  • Plan event schedule: Organize training and competition entries.

3 Weeks Before Competition

  • Medication adjustments: Some medications, like Pergolide/Prascend, should be stopped at least 14 days before the event.

  • Fine-tune training: Establish a structured plan leading up to competition day.

2 Weeks Before Competition

  • Farrier visit: Ensure shoes are in optimal condition but avoid last-minute changes.

  • Adjust joint treatments: Switch from intramuscular injections (e.g., Pentosan) to IV alternatives if needed.

  • Dietary changes: Begin adjusting feed for optimal performance.

  • Introduce stable confinement: If your horse will be stabled at the event, start acclimating them overnight.

1 Week Before Competition

  • Final health checks: Confirm shoes, medications, and overall well-being.

  • First aid kit: Have essentials on hand—thermometer, poultice, elastoplast, Betadine cream.

  • Light workload: Reduce training intensity and monitor temperature regularly.

Managing Your Horse at the Competition

Being in a new environment can be stressful for horses, particularly in busy stables. Ensuring rest and maintaining routine can help keep them calm and performing their best.

Common Health Concerns at Competitions & How to Prevent Them

1. Colic

  • Signs: Pawing, off feed, rolling.

  • Prevention:

    • Maintain consistent forage intake.

    • Provide small, frequent meals.

    • Allow access to fresh grass several times a day.

    • Monitor feed and faecal output.

    • Ensure adequate quiet time.

2. Elevated Temperatures

  • Normal Range: 37.5°C – 38.4°C

  • Prevention:

    • Monitor temperatures twice daily.

    • Ensure vaccinations are up to date.

    • Address any respiratory concerns before competition.

    • Allow horses to lower their heads naturally.

    • Soak hay if dusty.

3. Lameness

  • Signs: Gait changes, strong digital pulses, increased risk if off medications like Prascend.

  • Prevention:

    • Avoid excessive training leading up to competition.

    • Schedule shoeing 1-2 weeks prior.

    • Ice legs post-work.

    • Wrap feet after exercise.

    • Reduce warm-up duration as competition progresses.

Need Expert Advice?

If you have concerns about your horse’s health or performance before a competition, contact our clinic to discuss a tailored plan.

📞 Call us at: 03 5977 5250 to book a consultation.

Download your handy pre competition planning sheet.

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