Are all Suspensory Ligaments created equal?

Are all suspensory ligaments the same?

Well that is an interesting question. It was once thought that all ligaments are the same but a study performed on young racehorses showed that there was indeed a variability to the ultrasound appearance of the ligament between individuals.

In performance horses they are a lot older and will have done a lot of work. The result is that there is an accumulation of changes within the suspensory ligament over time. Assessing for any swelling around the fetlock joint is important as it allows an assessment of all structures. Knowing what is normal for your horse is important.

It is my recommendation that when vetting higher level horses or older horses that an ultrasound exam is performed on the legs to make an assessment for any changes. Knowing your normal can be invaluable for a means to monitor any changes. We routinely assess xrays for any changes but maybe it is time to make sure we also assess ligaments for any changes.


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