Fractured Pedal Bones
Sometimes we take a passive approach to dealing with lameness as you know common things are common such as foot abscesses.
But if we see a foal lameness it is really important to get a diagnosis as soon as possible. This guy had a low grade lameness for a few days and we had a look. Now the interesting thing was there wasn’t any swelling or major pulses to the foot. But we know they have a terrible tendency to break things so often it is needed to grab the X-ray machine and get a diagnosis as soon as possible.
This little lady has a pedal bone fracture. This is a common bone to break for a foal. Often the first place we start with.
The great news is that the fracture is not in to the coffin joint so with some rest for a few months this will be as good as new.
So great prognosis for this foal and unlikely to ever bother it.
Fractured pedal bone in a foal.