An equine veterinary practice that cares about your horse.
Are you looking for a team of experienced and caring veterinary professionals that love clinical practice? Our vets are on the road daily and we come to you.
Experience the convenience of first class equine ambulatory practice.
24 hour emergency horse vet.
Our practice is equipped with the latest technology.
For all emergencies please ring the clinic direct on 03 5977 5250.
We offer a wide range of veterinary services. Click the drop down icon to learn more. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us.
The aim of conducting a pre-purchase examination is to identify, assess and attempt to quantify the risks associated with purchasing the horse for its intended purpose. The expertise of a highly experienced clinician is essential for making this assessment. The clinical examination is a crucial part of the pre-purchase examination and it is important that the horse under assessment is fit and in athletic training. A more accurate assessment can always be made when a horse is in full work. All pre-purchase examinations are conducted by the practice principal, Dr Mike Tweedie and can be tailored to the needs of the client. To enquire about a pre-purchase examination please click here.
Lameness is one of the most common reasons for poor performance in horses. Lameness is not always obvious to the horse owner and can present in a number of different ways including but not limited to; sudden unwillingness to go forward under saddle, sudden development of muscle pain, unwillingness to perform a particular movement or an unwillingness to jump.
Our clinic takes a holistic approach when working up these cases. Your veterinarian will take a comprehensive history including recent work level, changes to shoeing and changes in demenour. Additionally, they will ask for a detailed medical history including any previous lameness issues, past treatments, surgeries as well as any past or present medications. After obtaining this information your veterinarian will conduct a clinical examination and on the basis of information gleaned from this examination make recommendations for further diagnostic procedures.
Your veterinarian will discuss all of the options available to you and your horse and will offer their opinion to assist you in your decision making process taking into account your individual preferences and budget. To enquire about booking a lameness consultation please click here.
All of the veterinarians in our clinic are knowledgable and experienced in the area of equine dentistry. At Tweedie & Associates a dental examination is much more comprehensive than the average tooth rasp. For the comfort and safety of your horse, your veterinarian will administer sedation prior to conducting a comprehensive examination of the teeth and all associated structures in the mouth. A speculum will be used to open the mouth and your horse’s head will be rested on a head stand. A bright light will then be used in conjunction with a mirror and probe to ensure every tooth is visualised during the examination. After the initial examination your veterinarian will remove any sharp points from the molars and pre-molars. The incisors are examined last after removal of the speculum. To enquire about booking a dental examination please click here.
Gastric ulcers are a recognised problem in horses. The clinical signs can be vague and are also associated with other conditions. The best way to diagnose equine gastric ulcers is by having an equine veterinarian use a gastroscope to closely visualise all parts of the stomach wall. If your horse is suffering from equine gastric ulcer syndrome it is essential that a treatment program is tailored to their particular diagnosis. Treatment depends on whether the horse is suffering from squamous, glandular or both types of ulceration. The severity of ulceration often dictates the length of treatment, generally the more severe the ulceration the longer the course.
Engaging the services of a veterinarian experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of equine gastric ulcer disease will help achieve a better outcome for your horse. To learn more about equine gastric ulcer syndrome please click here.
The traditional time to castrate a colt is in the spring of their yearling year. At Tweedie & Associates we recommend performing castration operations in Spring or Autumn with the aim being to avoid the wet, muddy conditions of Winter and the large number of flies in Summer. Our veterinarians perform castrations either standing or under general anaesthetic. If you are unsure which is more suitable for your horse, please do not hesitate to discuss this with one of our veterinarians who will be more than happy to provide their advice. To enquire about booking a castration please click here.
Laminitis is a serious condition with more than one possible cause. Management of the laminitic horse can be challenging and involves identifying the cause of the laminitis, assessing the current status of the disease process in the individual, implementing an appropriate treatment program and ensuring the case is properly monitored through to resolution.
If your veterinarian makes a diagnosis of laminitis they will begin by ensuring the comfort of your horse with a combination of pain medication and horse husbandry. Radiographs will be taken to assess the position of the pedal bone within the hoof capsule. Our veterinarians have good relationships with all of the local farriers and will consult in a constructive manner to ensure the best outcome for your horse. Your veterinarian will also consider the underlying cause of the laminitis whether that be metabolic disease, an adverse reaction to medication or whether the laminitis is secondary to a disease process such as pleuropneumonia or injury to another leg. Identifying the cause of the laminitis and treating it appropriately will give your horse the best chance of making a full recovery. To learn more about how we manage laminitis please click here.
Tweedie & Associates offers an emergency service after hours 7 days per week. We triage patients into three categories. A level 1 emergency is the most urgent and clients with an emergency of this nature should immediately call 03 5977 5250. If the veterinarian on call is attending another horse you may be required to leave a voicemail message. Please stay by the phone and keep the line clear. A veterinarian will return your call within 20 minutes.
A comprehensive list of level 1 emergencies is as follows;
Colic pain that is moderate to violent and continuous.
A horse that is recumbend and unable/unwilling to stand.
A horse with a fractured limb.
A horse that is non-weight bearing lame in one of more legs in conjunction with a wound and/or visible distress (sweating/shaking).
A horse with a wound that requires stitching.
A horse with diarrhoea.
A horse with choke in conjunction with visible distress (sweating/shaking/abnormal head position).
Sudden onset of neurological signs – disorientation, staggering, head pressing or sudden onset blindness. Especially if secondary to any type of head trauma.
Sudden inability to breathe normally.
Punctured eye.
Continuous bleeding from the mouth, nostrils, rectum or from a wound.
If your horse is suffering from any of the above, please immediately call 03 5977 5250. To learn more about our emergency service please click here.
Our Equine Veterinary Practice
Our Story
Tweedie & Associates is an equine ambulatory practice servicing the Mornington Peninsula, West Gippsland and lower Yarra Valley areas. Our practice principal, Dr Mike Tweedie has been living and working on the Mornington Peninsula for over 10 years.
Our Values
We strive for excellence in our practice to provide well-rounded, compassionate and education-based solutions. We respect our community and each other and work as a team to provide effective treatments, giving you and your horses, the best outcomes.
Ambulatory Practice
Our veterinarians are highly equipped with the latest in mobile diagnostic equipment including, a state of the art lameness locator, digital x-ray machines, ultrasound, endoscopy, gastroscopy and stall side pathology.
Our Core Team Values

Our veterinarians travel regularly to the following areas; Mornington Peninsula, Cranbourne, West Gippsland and lower Yarra Valley.
We provide priority emergency veterinary care to any client whom we have attended in the previous 24 months. We do provide emergency veterinary care for new clients with the caveat that existing clients of the practice take priority.
All pre-purchase examinations are conducted by the practice principal, Dr Mike Tweedie. Pre-purchase examinations can be tailored to the requirements of the client. For more information on pre-purchase examinations please click here.
We require payment at the time of consult for all new clients. We accept cash or credit card (Visa/Mastercard only). 14 day accounts are provided to existing clients on a case by case basis.
Zip Pay is available for clients who need to access credit in order to pay their account.
Our practice does not dispense sedation for clipping or farriery work. Clients are welcome to book a consultation with one of our veterinarians during which the veterinarian can administer the sedation required for clipping or farriery. Our veterinarians take responsibility for the safety of the horse and handlers when the horse is sedated and will remain present for the duration of the procedure.
Our practice does not administer sedation for third party dentistry providers. All our veterinarians are highly skilled in veterinary dentistry and can provide a convenient, competent and safe experience for your horse. To learn more about the equine dentistry services offered by our practice please click here.
One of our veterinarians must attend your horse before prescribing S4 medications. If you think your horse needs bute or antibiotics please book a consult by phoning our office on 03 5977 5250 or make a booking enquiry online here.
Yes! We are happy to provide copies of any ultrasound images, endoscope images or radiographs. Images will be supplied after the account is paid in full.
Yes! We are happy to provide a copy of your history to either yourself or another veterinarian. Histories can be supplied after all accounts are paid in full.
Please contact us if you are unhappy with any aspect of the service provided by our practice. Providing our clients with peace of mind about the standard of care provided to their animals is our highest priority. Our practice principal Dr Mike Tweedie is always available to hear and address any client concerns so please do not hesitate to contact our office on 03 5977 5250 to make a time to discuss your issue.